Sunday, April 6, 2014

Chapter 2 : Discussion

Chapter 2

I. Definition of Bullying

Bullying is defined in the Merriam-Webster website as (a) to frighten, hurt, or threaten (a smaller, weaker person); (b) to act like a bully toward (someone); (c) to cause (someone) to do something by making threats or insults or by using force. All give similar meanings: threatening a weaker person.

Britannica states and expounds on this that bullying is "intentional harm-doing or harassment that is directed toward vulnerable targets and typically repeated. Bullying encompasses a wide range of malicious aggressive behaviors, including physical violence, verbal mockery, threats, ostracism, and rumors spread either orally of by other means of communication, such as the Internet."

Norman Fried of Britannica Blog made an article called "Bullying: The Problem (and Kids) We Ignore" that it is one of the foremost problems of teenagers, while parents think it's normal and just a "rite of passage." He states that bullying anywhere has deleterious effects on the developing psyche of the victim.

He states that "Children’s’ reactions to emotional or physical violence, in the form of harassment, intimidation, embarrassment, and fear can be seen through a spectrum of Post Traumatic Stress reactions and behaviors, including a hyper-vigilance to the recurrence of danger, inability to attach with intimacy, irritability, poor concentration, sleep disturbances, alterations in eating, academic difficulties, feelings of shame and hopelessness, fear of connection, malaise and depression."
II. Types of Bullying

Bullying consists of mainly three types of abuse - emotional, physical and cyber. Each uses different ways to attack someone. Each has different effects. More ways are created with the advancement of society.
These are the main four types of bullying:
A. Emotional or Indirect

Emotional bullying involves invoking emotions such as anger, fear, regret, tension, feeling worthless and losing interest. It can also involve manipulation to get what the bully wants. It involves thing that harass or embarrass a person like spreading rumors, backstabbing, mean notes, exclusion or being ostracized. It gives the individual a sense of isolation and change that person's behavior like being more suspicion of others. It is usually subtler than physical bullying. Basically, they get what they want by making you feel angry or sad.

Natasha Tracy wrote an article in Healthy Place called "Emotional Bullying and How to Deal with an Emotional Bully". She says that they can be seen in adult relationships ranging from office pranks.

She states that"These behaviors can be seen in adult relationships, like when an emotional bully makes another party "pay" for a perceived mistake or when an emotional bully constantly uses sarcasm in response to genuine questions. In the workplace, emotional bullying might be seen when "office pranks" are pulled in an attempt to humiliate a co-worker."(

B. Physical or Direct

It involves contact with another. Usually inflicting pain, or damage like beating up a person. Bullies tend to be bigger and stronger than the target or more advantageous at the very least. It is the most recognizable form of bullying as it is the most documented of the three. In many forms of media, this is the most common form shown.

Rebecca Fraser-Thill wrote an article in Tween Parenting called "Definition of Physical Bullying: What Is Physical Bullying". She says that it is the easiest to identify among the types and that boys tend to do it.

She says that "When a person uses overt bodily acts to gain power over peers. Physical bullying can include kicking, punching, hitting or other physical attacks.Unlike other types of bullying in schools, physical bullying is easy to identify because the acts are so obvious. Physical bullies tend to demonstrate high levels of aggression from a young age and are more likely to be boys." (

C. Cyber

This type involves use of technology, like emails, to harass someone. The person harasses by sending offensive comments to embarrass or threaten someone. This method is particularly dangerous mainly because the recipient does not know who the sender is. One rule of the internet is that once something has been posted, it cannot be taken back. Thus, if one posts a harmful content against someone, people can see it. It ruins reputations. Victims will often feel embarrassed to even talk about it anymore.

Aside from that, Sherri Gordon made an article in called "6 Types of Bullying" where she states that it is a growing issue and becoming even more widespread thanks to the rise of technology.

Sherri says that "Because teens and tweens are always "plugged in," cyberbullying is a growing issue among young people. It’s also becoming more widespread because bullies can harass their targets with much less risk of being caught."
III. Effects of Bullying 
A. School

1. Loss of interest and performance in school

Students tend to lose interest in school. Because of this, they tend not to focus on their studies but rather to focus on avoiding the bully at any cost. Some students don't finish their work just so they won't have to go outside. Some skip school to avoid them at all. Other drop out or move to another place or school. In any case, they use whatever means to avoid them and this affects their performance and lowers their grades.

Stuart Wolpert made an article in UCLA called "Victims of Bullying Suffer Academically As Well, UCLA Psychologists Report" where the association of bullying with lower grades in that they affect the student's performance. 

Wolpert says that "A high level of bullying was consistently associated with lower grades across the three years of middle school. The students who were rated the most-bullied performed substantially worse academically than their peers. Projecting the findings on grade-point average across all three years of middle school, a one-point increase on the four-point bullying scale was associated with a 1.5-point decrease in GPA for one academic subject (e.g., math) — a very large drop." (

2. Loss of confidence and self-esteem

Victims tend to lose their confidence as a result of being belittled and being worthless. Especially when the subject is about something that person has no control over such as height, weight, color, or looks. Often when a bully picks on someone who is good on something, it's because of the bully's jealousy towards that person and thus degrades him.  They start to believe the bully's claims of him being worthless.

Nicole Etolen wrote an article in Our Family World called "Effects of Bullying on a Child’s Self Esteem" where they start to believe in claims especially when it's from something that they cannot change.

Etolen states that "When children are constantly belittled about something, they come to believe it is true. When they’re belittled over something they can’t possibly change, such as their height, skin color, or other physical attribute, it becomes even more damaging to their self esteem. They tend to believe that they are less of a person simply because someone else constantly makes fun of them due to their differences."  (

3. Fear and Avoidance

Fear is instilled in a person after they're bullied. Thus, they tend to avoid the bully at all costs. It causes them to skip class or postpone works just to avoid the bullies. They can also lose interest in school completely and just drop out. This causes changes in their overall personality.

Dr. Terry Ehiorobo made an article in Crisis Prevention called "Bullying in School: The Traumatic Effects of Bullying on Children" that repeated victims will tend to use whatever means to avoid the bullies, even if it affects their performance.

Terry says that "For instance, a child who has been repeatedly bullied on the playground may exhibit oppositional behaviors in class or may turn in incomplete work just to ensure that she has to stay inside while others are on recess. The child doesn’t pay attention in class, and her thoughts revolve around staying away from the playground. The fear of reprimand for the behavior is less than the fear of being bullied at recess." .

B. Family
1. Depression and isolation

Being repeatedly treated cruelly influences the way a person sees themselves, which affects their relationships with their loved ones. They feel less confident about objecting to any unfair treatment at home, and bullied adults may start to doubt their capacities when it comes to performing their normal tasks.

Jason Koebler wrote an article in US News called "Bullying Linked to Suicide, Depression in Adulthood" where he notices on how the effects are very similar to how a family affects their children.

Jason says that "I think we need to start viewing the effects of a child's interactions with their peers the same way we view the family effect on childhood," (

2. Loss of respect

Members often lose respect for a family member when something happens to them. Sometimes, this can be the reason why it even takes place. They start to treat the others badly and it tun they treat each other the same way. This is usually from parents failing to be good roles models and passing these to their children
Gina Stepp made an article in Family Matters called "Bullying: The Family Connection" and quotes how bullying is associated with the families that do not respect each other or are not taught to respect others.

Gina clarifies that "Bullying is associated with families in which people do not treat each other with respect or families in which children are not taught to respect the rights of others." (

3. Health

Similar to other forms of bullying, it causes stress to one person. Thus, it leads to mental health problems from traumatic events, feelings of loneliness and anxiety. This is because of their ways of bullying being similars to that of schoolbullying such as name-calling, physical aggression and taunting.

A. Sifferlin made an article in Health and Time called "Bullying in the Family" which says that being bullied by siblings can lead to worse mental disorders.

She says that "as far as mental-health effects are concerned, the relationship that the victims had with their bullies didn’t seem to matter. The findings showed that sibling bullying had the same association with increased anxiety, depression and trauma as peer aggression." (

C. Cyber 
1. Powerless and embarrassed

Because the bully can attack anywhere and anytime, it become's hard for the victim to take action. Also, the bully does this mostly in the internet, where it is dangerous. Because once something is posted, it is virtually irremovable. Even worse is that the bully can remain anonymous so  the victim can\t do anything to locate or find out who did it. Victims are humiliated and bullies can remain anonymous.

J. Will and C. Clayburn, made an article in University Business called "The Psychological Impact of Cyber Bullying", where they state that victims are humiliated on a worldwide basis and that they can remain anonymous. Also that they spread information on where people can see and affects them academically as well.

The two state that "The bully [is] spreading information on the Internet for anyone to see and that can affect someone's social life, especially how other kids at school view them. It can also affect the person academically because their lack of confidence will prevent them from contributing and asking questions in class." (
2. Depression and isolation

Victims can often succumb to anxiety, depression and other stress-related conditions. This occurs primarily because cyber bullying degrades their self-confidence and self-esteem. It damages them personally and worse is that since attacks can be on a public level. it can lead to exclusion and isolation.

Sherri Gordon wrote an article in called "What Are the Effects of Cyberbullying?" where she says that it leads to problems in relationships with peers or in school as well as with other people.

She states that "Cyberbullying often leads to teens being excluded and ostracized at school, which is particularly painful for teens because friends are crucial at this age. When kids don’t have friends, this can lead to more bullying." (

D. Work
1. Less productivity

When workers are bullied, they tend to think much about what is said to him. Thus, the morale of each worker is affected, not just the victim. It distracts them and hampers work productivity. It also creates a hostile work environment as well as lessening motivation. It causes problems to employers as well because of the lower productivity and the cost and effort of hiring replacements in any case of resignation from the victim.

S. Gordon wrote another article in called "What Are the Effects of Workplace Bullying?", where she stresses how the workplace has to maintain being employee-friendly and that managers should monitor and train workers against bullying

Gordon says that "As a result, it is always in an organization’s best interest to confront workplace bullying and maintain a bullying-free workplace. In fact, preventing workplace bullying is much more cost effective than having to intervene or mediate during an established pattern of bullying. It’s also a good idea to train managers, supervisors and other authority figures because the majority of workplace bullying comes from bullying bosses."
2. Depression and anxiety

Victims will often feel depressed as well as anxious because of the pressure that the bully put them in. These can cause them to feel depressed and lose focus in their work. They may struggle with depression, post-traumatic stress disorders, eating disorders or even consider suicide. In addition, they can also cause stress and health problems seen below.

To clarify, S. Gordon wrote another article in called "Workplace Bullying Causes Anxiety Issues" where she states how the pain impacts not only one part but every aspect of their lives and that it affects them.

Gordon quotes that "In fact, the distress, pain and victimization that targets experience impacts almost every aspect of their lives leaving them feeling lonely, isolated, depressed and anxious. What’s more, the effects of workplace bullying not only linger long after the victim has moved on but also can manifest itself in the form of various anxiety disorders." (
3.  Stress and health

Stress can build up as they process what the bully just said as well as trying to confer to their demands. Primarily because when one bullies someone, the victim may think that he or she deserves it, especially from bosses or co-workers. They also experience problems in decision-making and focus. Thus, it can affect their productivity. Then, stress increases so health problems arise.

S. Gordon of made an article called "What Are the Effects of Workplace Bullying?" where she says that the workplace can become a haven for bullies. They start to lose focus and become stressed. If the bullying continues, the increase of stress also increases. So, problems in health start manifesting.

She states that "Workplace bullying can cause extensive health problems for employees including a number of physical and psychological illnesses and injuries. Although individual responses vary from person to person, people who are bullied at work may experience stress, anxiety, panic attacks and trouble sleeping. They may have higher blood pressure, ulcers and other stress-related illnesses."

Stephanie Pappas of Live Science also wrote an article called "Work Bully Victims Struggle with Dangerous Stress" where she says that the stress of all that leads to poor decision-making so it affects their work.

Pappas states how "The stress of the bullying may itself lead to bad decision-making. A 2009 study in the journal Science found that stressed-out rats fail to adapt to changes in their environment. A portion of the stressed rats' brains, the dorsomedial striatum, actually shrunk compared with that region in relaxed rats. The findings suggest that stress may actually re-wire the brain, creating a decision-making rut. The same may occur in bullied workers."

E. Health

1. Victims

For victims, they had risk for depression, including chronic illness, weight and sexual orientation and anxiety as well as poor health.

Susan Perry made an aritcle in Minnpost called "Bullying Has Long-Lasting Mental and Physical Effects, Study Finds" where there is a connection between bullying and problems brought by trauma.

She says that"A review bolsters evidence showing a clear connection between bullying and physical problems brought on by physical or emotional trauma. An earlier review also found a link between bullying and physical symptom" (

2. Bully and victim

For those who are both victims and bullies, they suffer far worse than that of the bully or the bullied. They experience more depressive disorders as well as anxiety.

Steven Reinberg of US News has his article called "Childhood Bullying Can Leave Lifelong Scars" that they experience depressive disorders and most affected.

He says that "worse off were kids who were both bully victims and bullies – they experienced all types of depressive and anxiety disorders, and suffered most severely from suicidal thoughts, depressive disorders, generalized anxiety and panic disorder, compared with the other groups of participants." (

3. Bullies

For bullies,  they don't suffer problems like the above but otherwise suffer personality disorders as expected. Their effects are actually not as bad as the first two.

A. Walton wrote an article in Forbes called "The Psychological Effects Of Bullying Last Well Into Adulthood, Study Finds", where she says bullies has different risks from the former ones. They range from antisocial disorders.

She says that "bullies (and only bullies) did not have the same risk for the mental health disorders mentioned above – rather, their risk was for antisocial personality disorder, which is what the authors anticipated would be the case." (

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